El Orfanato.
Rated R.
If you're looking for an eerie film full of twists and creepy happenings, you've got to catch this. From famed Mexican producer, director, and writer Guillermo del Toro, comes a film about a woman named Laura who purchases the orphanage she grew up in. The idea is to restore the abandoned institution and open it for disabled orphan children. The place is filled with lots of history and as an old woman comes forth to warn Laura of its eerie past, Laura realizes that she's got to fight hard to live out what she set out to do.
Together with her husband and her son in tow, Laura faces one of the hardest things any parent ever has to face. In a race against time, she tries hard to fight off demons by uncovering the past and figuring out the games ghosts sometimes play.
In the end, there's a twist that's sure to blow your mind.
An English language adaptation is forthcoming so see this before Hollywood ruins it with a less than stellar remake.