You kissed me with lying lips
Your hands traveled my body
and I swear I felt the others
They hang on
and as the sweat of your palms moistened my skin
like tears
I died inside all over
I think I've died eight times with you already...
You relaxed me with practiced words
Your mouth moved
and I swear I heard the others
I heard them moaning with passion
as you beamed inside with pleasure
Was it amazing?
Each time, was it a fantastic thing--
worth every second?
What went on inside that head as you dug inside with your heartless love?
What happened to your heart as you made your way to another home that wasn't mine?
You may never be the same to me again
and I wonder
what am I going to do about it?
..I just wanted to say that I think you're pretty, as well as pretty awesome.
It's been too long!!!
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