you better make me love this land again
you better fit the part
and be more than just a recent hype
you better make me believe in dreams
and realize that faith is true
that goodness will prevail
even in the darkest hour
because goodness shall set us free
i better believe
will you be chosen to lead our people?
tonight we'll see
will you win
and lead this great war
this war against injustice, poverty, hopelessness, and deceit
will you be our new conductor
we'll see
and if you get to lead
we shall stick beside you
so don't mess this up
for i want change
make this real, obama
and be a worthy name
He has so much potential to lead this nation to prosperity...thank you for having faith in him!
I believe in DEMOCRACY again. I believe in AMERICA again. I believe in this GENERATION again. I THANK THE HEAVENS. BARACK OBAMA is our new president!!!
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