you came
—opened your eyes,
took that first breath,
and were welcomed
by the breeze
and the Island sun
you lasted long enough
to celebrate 28 birthdays
and I hate I'll never get to know how you felt for each one
Were you smiley
and giddy?
Sad for some and
ever empty?
Did you feel scared or inpsired?
What happened in that head?
Were there cakes
and parties?
Did you dance so much your thighs ached the next day?
Did you laugh until it hurt
because you felt so good and special?
Oh, how I dream for a day with you
Just one more
so we can talk about birthdays.
It does not get any easier does it?
I guess we can hold on to the idea that someday you will get to talk about birthdays and more...
I think about my dad so much. When he first died, I thought it would get easier to live each day without him next to me...even if I had one more day, I would want another, then another. I take comfort in knowing that someday, I can tell him all that I have done and know he will be proud of the man I was because he raised me. Su mama esta contigo siempre. Mi papa esta conmigo siempre. Por siempre con nosotros.
this is an inspiring story, when do i get to hear more about it?
Your mom-my beloved sister-was always smiley and giddy and she loved celebratory events-such as birthdays; Particularly yours and your sister's. She was so shy and preferred to watch the festivities around her...always smiling and giddily laughing at every silly thing! She was taken from this earth, but not from us because she always lives in us.
Eddie-Oh, live your life as if you were living it for her:smiley and giddy.
As always, I'm here for you...Titi Nancy xoxox
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