Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Never Let Me Go

He says: "you're so comfortable,"
as he yawns and hugs me
like a little boy would his stuffed animal before falling asleep after a very long day
"you're cute," I say
and he laughs.
"I don't ever want to let you go,"
he whispers, his arms around me tightening.
I watch him sleep and ponder that-
The thought is sweet, I know
But, he'll have to let me go eventually though

Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Two Cents

Children suffer even MORE when parents who don't love or respect each other stay together "for the children." It is possible to grow up a child of divorce and become a very respectful, successful, and happy human being.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Shut Up

Sometimes I think you're it
but then you speak
and that thought quickly dies

And even if I try
so hard to picture the two of us hand in hand
I can't stand

Runaway Boyfriend

Have you ever dodged a bullet,
ducked right on time,
and let go
before it was too late?

It feels good when you realize
you were smart not to go on
and you stopped right when you were supposed to

when you listen to reason and
hold on to that conscience inside yelling at you to wake up,
you flourish
and grow
and find something a whole lot better

It's true and
even if it hurts at first, there's a cooling sensation that comes to ease the pain
it's from God
and it really saves