Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Breakup

I have had enough of the world lately.  I don't think I'm alone with this either.  There's so much going on.  Slowly I'm losing hope that better days are around the corner.

I grew up believing that things happen for a reason.  We suffer disasters and obstacles because, supposedly, they help make us stronger.  Also, there are blessings behind every monstrous thing we end up facing in our lives.  

But, I can't say I believe all that now as an adult.  As I sit here contemplating my life, my experiences, the deaths and disasters, I can't help but realize: blessings are really fucking hard to come by.  They seem so minuscule in the grand scheme of things.  Many of us have suffered plenty! Yet the rewards, that joy in the morning after all the night-time weeping, are scarce. 

I'm so angry!

I need an emotional cleanse.  I want to deep-dive into a pool of peace and come back drenched in new hope.  Everything that's supposed to be running smoothly is out of whack.  World leaders are corrupt, people are dying, the poor are suffering, and every fucking evil person out just prosper continuously.  

I have had enough of watching it. It's all you see online. So, I'm taking a break from the un-Spiritual House of the Internet, where black souls flock and eat your heart like Harry Potter dementors.   Every corner, every angle, every unexpected twist and turn of cyberspace eventually leads to melancholic intoxication.  I need a break from this! 

So, dear Internet: you had me at welcome but for now I must say goodbye.  

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