Monday, August 7, 2017

At a Party

That look you give me
when you catch a glimpse of me from across the room
Like you know you've got all of this,
I'm all yours, and you're really fucking proud about it
I never want to forget it

I want to get it tattooed to your favorite part of my body
because I want to see it every day, even on the days when you're nowhere near

You see, I somehow survived a great amount of years of feeling empty,
and that look,
your eyes warmly concentrated on the very thing that took me so long to accept
your eyes peeking at me as I breathe and live and be
recording me for safe keeping in your memory
makes me forget that

I feel you thinking how much you adore me to the moon and back
as you watch me mingling with the lot about us
feigning interest
and silently wishing I could push them all out a window so it's just the two of us left standing

I hope you see the love painted all over my face,
in these flushed rouge big round cheeks

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